CHESTERFIELD | 5–9 Foljambe Rd

Contact: Nick Denton on 0113 2430990

TenureFor Sale
Lease termSecure Retail Investment let to Salvation Army on a lease expiring 2030
Rent (pax)£0.00
Let on an Ex Act Lease to Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd expiring 16th June 2030
Salvation Army operate the unit as both a donation centre and community church
Open A1 Foodstore Consent
Modern well proportioned unit providing 10,570 sq ft GIA on a 1.16 acre site
95 car parking spaces
Significant underlying site value
Our client is seeking offers in the region of £1,235,000 (one million two hundred and thirty five thousand pounds) reflecting a net initial yield of 6.5% assuming purchaser’s costs of 5.95%
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